Atelier School of Art

Student Spotlight: Josie Sheehy

A Painting of Gratitude and Love

Last week Atelier student Josie Sheehy completed a goal that she began working on more than two years ago. Josie is a cancer survivor. Her life was saved by the outstanding team of healthcare workers at the Beaumont Cancer & Breast Care Center in Farmington Hills. After her recovery she was inspired to do something special to thank them and to reach out to other patients receiving care. She turned to her passion: art. Josie painted a beautiful, energetic, and life-filled painting and donated it to the hospital. On Thursday, Josie was greeted with applause, hugs and a few tears as her gesture of gratitude and love was delivered to its home. May it remind the healthcare team at Beaumont that they are deeply appreciated and may it bring hope to those who are going through their own healing.